Currency Converter

Our free currency convertor helps you to see how much a specific currency you hold is worth in another foreign currency. You can convert over 20 currencies quickly and easily to see exactly how much your money is worth.

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How does the Currency Convertor work?

Simply type how much you want to convert into the box

Select the currencies you’d like to exchange from the dropdown options

We have listed the current exchange rates of the major FX pairs.

The Convertor will exchange your currency at the rate displayed by dividing the currency you have by the current exchange rate of the currency you want, as a pair.

What are currencies and how do they work?

Currencies are a form of money which are used in exchange for goods and services. As businesses, banks and funds grow and expand across markets around the world, the need to make transactions in other currencies continues to grow.

Currency, or forex trading, is the interchange of one currency for another. This means all transactions on the foreign exchange market depend on the simultaneous buying and selling of two currencies.

Traders speculate on forex markets with the aim of potentially profiting from a currency’s rise or fall in value.

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